Saturday, May 25, 2013

Don't They Have Any Real Work to Do?

The May 25th Vancouver Sun carries a story (Artist Says Government Monitored Her Climate Change Work ) about a Canadian Artist, Franke James and the fact that after approving a $5000 grant in support of a European tour of her work, the grant was suddenly withdrawn, allegedly because her work   ' advocates a message that is contrary to the government's policies on the subject'.  Apparently the denial was based on monitoring of Ms. James being done by several senior Federal Government officials.

Well, clearly the government has the power to decide who they fund and who they do not.  Although one would hope that in the spirit of nurturing multiple viewpoints (a spirit for which the current Canadian Federal Government is NOT noted), the funders would encourage all Canadians to give voice to multiple perspectives -- especially in the arts.

But what really bothers me is that with all the apparent concern over matters such as personal safety, terrorism, criminality, and so on, why would a clutch of senior officials apparently have so little to do that they would decide to focus on the views of one Canadian artist?  Haven't they got enough to do?  Really.

Shucks, if I keep writing this kinds of postings, perhaps they will start monitoring me as well.  Or perhaps they already have.....

Note to Feds.  I'm not worth it.

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