Thursday, August 02, 2012

Who Is Funding Your Interest Group, And To What Extent?

 You may ask: who is Vivian Krause?

She claims to be a freelance researcher who apparently is responsible for investigating the funding of environmental groups in Canada, and for 'discovering' that some portion of the funding for some of the larger groups comes from sister organizations in the United States. The environmental "terrorists", according to the Harper government.

If we accept her findings at face value, the first comment I can think of is that, if the corporate buzzword from the 80s and 90s was 'globalization', why would this idea not also be an organizing notion for interest groups such as Green Peace and others?

My second reaction is to wonder who is funding Vivian. In an article in the Vancouver Province newspaper, May 10, 2012, by Sam Cooper, the reporter, indicates the following:

"[Krause] insists that she has no connection to any of the resource industries — oil, forestry, mining, farmed salmon — that her research appears to support. But after going ahead with research, she has received thousands of dollars in honorarium payments from some of these industry groups for conference speeches. And she has worked briefly as a federal Conservative staffer and unsuccessfully sought funding support for oil industry issues, Krause says."

In reading information presented through today's media, my sense is that it is always helpful to have a sense of who is funding whom.

I am currently funded by the Federal government (OAS) as well as my own retirement funds, including CPP -- ah yes, and supplemented by a very considerate spouse who continues to toil for a salary in the mines of the literate. So, you see, I am in part funded by the federal Conservatives as well..... at least for the time being.